March 24th, 2020
The Seaton Hiking Trail will be temporarily closed northeast of the Foreststream Trail (Old Whites Road) Bridge. See attached map. This effects the north end of…
October 8th, 2019
Users of the Seaton Trail just south east of Forestream Road and at the Hydro line would have noticed flooding of the trail. The flooding is the result of the new Mattamy Homes Seaton Development Water Management design. This design was approved by
October 8th, 2019
Users of the Seaton trail just north of the CPR trestle would have noticed the new Seaton Community Southern Outflow Project. This project collects rain water from the new development being built on the plateau and channels it into a
November 21st, 2018
A pair of kids glasses were found on the trail around marker 1N085. The glasses were left at the marker.

September 20th, 2018
The construction activity has finally been completed on the 407 highway overpass bridge. The Seaton Trail is now full open from Rossland Road (Concession Road # 3, Grand View Park) in the south to all the way up to highway
April 17th, 2017
Regarding the Highway 407 bridges over West Duffins Creek Tributary and Seaton Trail
In summary, the abutments and deck of the Eastbound Lane and Westbound Lane bridges will be widen by 2 lanes to the inside median in
February 23rd, 2017
The closure will be Monday to Thursday from 7 am – 5 pm for the next few weeks.
Hydro One will be clearing the hydro path including their easement from just south of Forestream Trail to 3rd Concession.
May 28th, 2015
Ticks have been spotted along the Seaton Trail. Please take proper precautions while on the Trail. For more information, please see:
Durham health department finds ticks containing Lyme bacteria in Rouge Valley
Ticks in Dogs
January 7th, 2015
The bridge at Whitevale is now open to traffic and pedestrians. However, construction is still ongoing and access to northbound trail is currently blocked at Whitevale Road. There is a short side trail on Mill Street (just east of the
June 6th, 2014
Notice: The Whitevale Bridge is closed. There is no trail connection between the north and south sides of the trail at Whitevale.
The bridge isn’t expected to be opened until December, 2014.