Welcome to the Friends of Seaton Trail website
The Seaton Trail is located along the West Duffins Creek in Pickering, Ontario. It runs for 12.9 km from 3rd Concession near Brock Road northwest to Highway 7 at Green River. The trail follows historic hunting and fishing routes on the creek, used for centuries by aboriginal people. In pioneer times, the creek and valley became the site of several water powered mills. A former grist mill stills exists at Whitevale.The trail got its name from the planned community of Seaton, which was envisioned in the 1970′s to accompany the new airport planned for the area. The airport has not been built and the community is just now coming to reality, but the Seaton Trail has been there all this time.
The trail was created by the Ontario government in cooperation with the Metropolitan Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (now the TRCA) in the 1970’s and was built by high school and university students. The trail was maintained for a good many years by the Boy Scouts located at Camp Pidaca (near 3rd Concession).
Despite the Seaton Trail’s popularity, it has not enjoyed the consistent protection and care from a community volunteer group. The Friends of Seaton Trail (FOST) was formed in 2009 to change this.

The majority of the creek valley is owned and operated by the Ontario Realty Corporation (ORC), with smaller parts by the Town of Pickering and the Toronto & Region Conservation Authority (TRCA).
The Ontario Realty Corporation has responsibility for land procured by the Province of Ontario. Under contract, DEL Management Solutions performs monitoring, repairs and maintenance on provincial lands.
The TRCA owns several parcels between Whitevale and Concession 3. The TRCA has managed these properties. The province is funding TRCA through 2010 for work on the Seaton lands, including trail parking lots, restoration, plantings, public consultation and trail improvements.
The City of Pickering owns and manages the Whitevale Community Park and Grand Valley Park.
The trail crosses additional small land parcels near the southern end of the trail, owned by the City of Toronto, Ontario Hydro and Canadian Pacific Railway.
The Friends are working closely with the TRCA, Del and the Town of Pickering to coordinate efforts in safe public use, promotion, trail maintenance / upgrades and environmental protection of the trail. You may have seen some of these improvements which already in place (kiosks at trail access points, boardwalks, bridges, etc.) while others are on our to-do list.
We are looking for people who may be interested in joining the Friends and helping us to improve the trail. If you or anyone you know has an interest in becoming involved, please contact us at

acknowledges the financial support of the
Ontario Trillium Foundation
Latest News
Construction of Stormwater Management Facility Outfall
March 24, 2020
UPDATE. THE CONSTRUCTION HAS BEEN COMPLETED AND THE TRAIL IS OPEN The Seaton Hiking Trail will be temporarily closed northeast of the Foreststream Trail (Old Whites Road)…
March 24, 2020
UPDATE. THE CONSTRUCTION HAS BEEN COMPLETED AND THE TRAIL IS OPEN The Seaton Hiking Trail will be temporarily closed northeast of the Foreststream Trail (Old Whites Road)…
Seaton Community Northern Outflow Project Flooding
October 8, 2019
Users of the Seaton Trail just south east of Forestream Road and at the Hydro line would have noticed flooding of the trail. The flooding is the result of the new Mattamy Homes…
October 8, 2019
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Seaton Community Southern Outflow Project
October 8, 2019
Users of the Seaton trail just north of the CPR trestle would have noticed the new Seaton Community Southern Outflow Project. This project collects rain water from the new…
October 8, 2019
Users of the Seaton trail just north of the CPR trestle would have noticed the new Seaton Community Southern Outflow Project. This project collects rain water from the new…
Found Glasses on Trail at Marker 1N085
November 21, 2018
A pair of kids glasses were found on the trail around marker 1N085. The glasses were left at the marker.
November 21, 2018
A pair of kids glasses were found on the trail around marker 1N085. The glasses were left at the marker.
Latest Events
Seaton Trail Race
May 10, 2014
The Seaton Trail Race consists of 3 races: 15K/25K and 50K. The 15K will start 8:30am at Pine Ridge and the turnaround will be at Forestream. The 25K will start 8:00am at Pine Ridge…
May 10, 2014
The Seaton Trail Race consists of 3 races: 15K/25K and 50K. The 15K will start 8:30am at Pine Ridge and the turnaround will be at Forestream. The 25K will start 8:00am at Pine Ridge…
BTC Seaton Trail Hike – May 15th
May 15, 2011
Introduction to the Seaton Trail to Bruce Trail Conservancy Memebers. The trail follows West Duffins Creek that winds through a riparian habitat, all within Pickering,…
May 15, 2011
Introduction to the Seaton Trail to Bruce Trail Conservancy Memebers. The trail follows West Duffins Creek that winds through a riparian habitat, all within Pickering,…
Toronto Outdoor Club Winter Night Hike – Wed, Jan 26 2011
January 26, 2011
We’re going to walk the first section of the Seaton Hiking Trail starting from south end parking lot (Coordinates: N43.86403 W79.09846). Depending on the condition, we…
January 26, 2011
We’re going to walk the first section of the Seaton Hiking Trail starting from south end parking lot (Coordinates: N43.86403 W79.09846). Depending on the condition, we…
Install Un-Authorized Use Signs On Sunday Oct 17, 2010
October 17, 2010
Here’s your chance to give back to the Seaton Trail. We are planning some trail work on Sunday Oct 17, 2010 and we are looking for volunteers. We will be meeting at Rossland…
October 17, 2010
Here’s your chance to give back to the Seaton Trail. We are planning some trail work on Sunday Oct 17, 2010 and we are looking for volunteers. We will be meeting at Rossland…